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National Help Hotlines


Al-Anon for Families of Alcoholics
Automated meeting information
(1-888) 425-2666

Families Anonymous – 12-step program similar to Al-Anon, meeting information only:
(800) 736-9805

SAMHSA National Helpline
800-662-HELP (4357)

Child Abuse

The Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline
(800) 422-4453

Crisis & Suicide

Girls & Boys Town National Hotline
(800) 448-3000

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – For youth and adults
Dial 988

Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault

National Domestic Violence Hotline
(800) 799-7233

Rape, Sexual Assault, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN)
(800) 656-HOPE (4673)


Disaster Distress Hotline (SAMHSA)
(800) 985-5990

National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders 

Shoplifters Anonymous
(800) 848-9595

Veteran’s Crisis Line
Dial 988 then press 1

(877) 968-8491
Text TEEN2TEEN to 839863


Planned Parenthood Hotline
(800) 230-PLAN (7526)

Running Away

National Runaway Safeline

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
(800) 843-5678

Child Find of America Helpline
(800) 426-5678

Substance Use

SAMHSA’s National Helpline

Poison Control
(800) 222-1222

National Institute on Drug Abuse Hotline
(800) 662-4357

Cocaine Anonymous
(800) 347-8998

Local Support Groups

Cincinnati Crisis Response

Butler County Mobile Crisis Team and Consultation

CALL: 1-844-4CRISIS (1-844-427-4747)


Hamilton County Psychiatric Mobile Response Team – University Hospital: Psychiatry

Provides a psychiatric emergency room and mobile crisis unit trained to respond to mental health emergencies.

Phone: (513) 584-8577
Address: 231 Bethesda Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45267


Abuse & Domestic Violence Support Groups

Trasnform Adult Program

YWCA of Greater Cincinnati
Batterers’ Intervention & Prevention Program (for men).

898 Walnut Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202


Women Helping Women
A Domestic Violence Support Group

Multiple groups offered
Call for location, dates, times and more information: 513-381-5610


IKRON Women’s Group
Discussion of relationship problems, surviving violence and abuse, family issues and women’s roles. All women seeking support are welcome. Need to register and c
omplete application.
Call IKRON to register and obtain more information:



Addiction Support Groups

Celebrate Recovery

Christian-based 12-step recovery program for alcoholics, co-dependents, people with eating disorders, sexual addictions, anger, dealing with past or current physical or sexual abuse issues, etc. Several groups in Cincinnati, Butler Co., Warren Co., and Clermont Co.
See website for group locations, dates, and times:


Debtors Anonymous

Support group for those who think they personally may have a problem with debt and/or spending.
Contact: 800-421-2383,


Gamblers Anonymous

Fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from a gambling problem. Only requirement for membership is a desire to stop gambling.
Contact for dates, times, locations and more information:



SMART Recovery (Self-Management and Recovery Training)

Helps people recover from all types of addictive behaviors (substances and activities) by teaching how to change self-defeating thinking, emotions, and actions; and to work towards long-term satisfactions and quality of life.  SMART is an alternative to Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous.
Contact for times, dates, locations and more information: (440) 951-5357


Anger Management Support Groups

​CAN Program

YWCA of Greater Cincinnati
Batterers’ Intervention & Prevention Program
(for adult males and females). Provides help in learning more effective ways to manage anger in order to lead violence free lives.
898 Walnut Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Contact office coordinator for cost, dates, times, information and referral form 513-361-2129


SAFE Group IKRON- Discussions about anger management, stress and frustration. Find encouragement and learn new ways to handle difficulties in your life. Must register to attend.



Anxiety/Panic Disorder Support Groups

Agoraphobics Building Independent Lives

(859) 940-3843


Anxiety/Panic Disorder Support Group

For people who suffer from anxiety or panic attacks who want to network, share resource,s and learn new coping skills.
Christ Hospital, Level A, Classroom #7 by the Cafeteria
2139 Auburn Ave.
Cincinnati, OH
Contact for more information: Sheila Sims, Mental Health Association: 513-721-2910 ext.12 or by email at:


Bipolar Support Groups

Bipolar Disorder Support Group
Christ Hospital, Level A, Classroom #3, by Cafeteria

2139 Auburn Ave.
Cincinnati, Oh 45219
Contact Sheila Sims at Mental Health Association for more information: 513-721-2910 ext. 12


Depression Bipolar Support Alliance of Cincinnati (DBSA)


Depression & Bipolar Support Group
Recovery Center of Hamilton County
2340 Auburn Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Contact: Ken Jones, 513-485-5438 or Robin Roland, 513-545-8842


Borderline Personality Disorder Support Groups

Borderline Personality Disorder Support Group

Hosted by the Red Umbrella Advocacy Group to share experiences, support, knowledge and skills. Trained facilitators also suffering with BPD.
Recovery Center of Hamilton County
2340 Auburn Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45219


Codependency Support Groups

CoDA 12 Step Group

Fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships. We gather together to support and share with each other in a journey of self-discovery — learning to love the self.
4234 Hamilton Avenue, Annex Building

Cincinnati, Ohio 45223



Depression Support Groups

Depression Support Group

The discussion group is an open group, accepting new members every session, for anyone interested in sharing insights or ways of dealing with their depression. Also men & women specific groups available. Please call to sign up before attending.


Depression Support Group

Recovery Center
2340 Auburn Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45219
For more information, contact:  Chris Pedoto 513-241-1411​​​​


Eating Disorder Support Groups

Eating Disorders Support Group

ANAD, Anorexia Nervosa & Associated Disabilities.
For more information about ANAD, call: 847-831-3438.
Call for specific information about the local support group.
Health Alliance, Out-Patient Behavioral Services (Campus of old Jewish Hospital)
3200 Burnet Avenue
Union Street Pavilion, 2nd Floor
Cincinnati, OH
Call Jenny: 513-207-3010 or  Greg: 513-531-8727


Overeaters Anonymous

12 step program for anyone with compulsive eating habits who wants to change.
Many times and locations around Cincinnati.
Call: 513-921-1922 or check website:


Grief Support Groups

Bereavement and Grief Support Group

Mercy Hospital – Anderson
Support group for individuals who have suffered a significant loss through death.
Medical Office Building
Ground floor, Conference Room A
7500 State Road
Cincinnati, OH 45230
Contact: Chaplain Marty Hoffmann: 513-732-8383


Bereavement Support Group

VITAS Innovative Hospice Care
Support group for those who have lost persons through death or illness and who are seeking support from others.
11500 Northlake Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45229
Call Ted Haddix: 513-742-6310


Compassionate Friends East Chapter
For parents and adult family members who have experienced the death of a child, sibling or grandchild.
St. Timothy Episcopal Church
8101 Beechmont Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45255
Contact for more information: Lindsay (513) 652-7470


Compassionate Friends North Chapter
Spring Grove Funeral Home
11285 Princeton Pike
Cincinnati Ohio 45246
Contact for more information: Karen (513) 207-8714 or Ed (513) 518-9358



Fernside, Supporting Children & Families Through Grief
A place of comfort and support for children and teens, and their families who have had a significant death in the family.
Call for dates, times, locations and more information: 513-745-0111


Grief Support Groups

Hospice of Cincinnati
For those who have lost a loved one from any cause. Various Groups available.
Contact 513-246-9208 or email: for dates, times, locations and more information.


Motherless Daughters Network

Support for women who have lost their mothers.12 week class also offered.
Montgomery Community Church
11251 Montgomery Road
Montgomery, OH
Contact: Mary Ellen Collins: 513-677-5064


New Day Support Group

Good Shepherd Church
A nine-week grief support group offered for anyone who has lost a loved one. Minimal charge, scholarships available. Offered several times during the year.
Good Shepherd Church
8815 E. Kemper Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45249
Contact Kathy Teipen for date, time and registration: 513-474-6907


LGBTQIA+ Support Groups

Cincinnati Youth Group

The Center Support group for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and straight young people, ages 13 to 21. Meetings and activities allow youth the opportunity to meet other young people in the area for friendship and support. Provides an open and confidential forum where youth can share ideas, thoughts, and issues affecting their lives.
The Community Center
4119 Hamilton Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45223
Call: 513-684-8405


PFLAG (Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays)

Support group open to parents, family and friends of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender persons, as well as to gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender persons. Meetings include support discussions and often a program.
Mount Auburn Presbyterian Church
103 William Howard Taft
Cincinnati, OH 45219
For more information contact: 513-721-7900


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Support Groups

OCD Anonymous

Self-help support group for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Clifton United Methodist Church

3416 Clifton Ave

Cincinnati, Ohio 45220
$1 donation
Call Tami: 513-479-8660


Pet Loss Support Groups

Pet Loss Phone Support Line

Ohio State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital
Phone support for those who have experienced the death of a pet. Handled by volunteers, daily 6:30 – 9:30 pm, and weekends, 10:00 – 4:00 pm
Call: 614-292-1823​​


Sexual Abuse & Assault Support Groups

​Sexual Assault Survivors Group

Women Helping Women

Open and ongoing support group for women ages 18 and older who have been sexually assaulted, abused, or raped in their lifespan. No child care.
For more information, call: 513-977-5541 or the 24 hour crisis line: 513-381-5610


Substance Use Support Groups

Al-Anon Adult Children of Alcoholics

A twelve step program for women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes and who meet to find freedom from the past and ways to improve today.
ACOA Tri County Center
2051 East Kemper Road
Cincinnati, OH (just east of I-75)
Call: 513-771-4070 or email:


Cincinnati Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous
Fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism
Contact for dates, times, locations and more information 513-351-0422 or


Family Education/Intervention

Alcoholism Council of the Cincinnati Area
Training for families, co-workers and others who wish to confront the behavior patterns and denial of a loved one’s alcohol and/or drug use. 4 week series. There is a fee.
2828 Vernon Place
Cincinnati, OH. 45219
Call for cost, registration and more information: 513-281-7880


Men’s Relapse Prevention Group

Alcoholism Council of the Cincinnati Area
Support group for men who are recovering from, seeking treatment for, or the prevention of alcoholism. Addresses issues such as domestic violence, co-dependent relationships, balancing recovery, sexuality and intimacy, parenting, communication and anger management. Sliding scale fee.
2828 Vernon Place
Cincinnati, OH. 45219
Contact for cost, registration and more information 513-281-7880


Nar-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc.
Nar-Anon is a twelve-step program designed to help relatives and friends of addicts recover from the effects of living with an addicted relative or friend.

Multiple meeting locations around the city.
Contact for more information: 800-477-6291 or


Greater Cincinnati Area Service Committee of Narcotics Anonymous
12-step recovery group for men and women for whom drugs have become a major problem.

Many groups available in greater Cincinnati area.
Contact for dates, times, locations and more information:

513-820-2947 or


Queen City Group

A 12-step program based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous. We strive to provide a safe and sober environment for the lesbian or gay alcoholic where she or he can pursue a program of recovery amid our supportive, friendly fellowship.

Check website for meetings:


Women For Sobriety

This program is designed especially for women who abuse alcohol or other substances. The program is a guided journey from self-defeating behavior and attitudes to feelings of confidence, power and self-worth.

Meeting Day & Time: Wednesdays - 7:00 pm

Contact to attend


Women’s Relapse Prevention

Alcoholism Council of the Cincinnati Area
Support group for women who are recovering from, seeking treatment for, or the prevention of alcoholism. Addresses issues such as domestic violence, co-dependent relationships, balancing recovery, sexuality and intimacy, parenting, communication and anger management. Sliding scale fee.
2828 Vernon Place
Cincinnati, OH. 45219
Contact Sherri for cost, registration and more information 513-281-7880


Schizophrenia Support Group

Schizophrenics Anonymous Support Group

Recovery Center

2340 Auburn Avenue

Cincinnati, OH 45219.

For more information, call Chris Pedoto: 513-241-1411


Suicide Support Group

Survivors after Suicide

A peer led open support group for those who have lost a loved one to suicide.
Many meetings happen around the city. Use the "Meeting Finder" on to find a location near you.

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